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Open Enrollment
Covered California
Medicare - Open Enrollment - Medigap - Covered California -

Medicare is Changing: What You Need to Know
Recent Medicare legislation has enacted changes such as insulin price caps, reduced Part B premiums, and expanded telemedicine, offering both opportunities and challenges for beneficiaries.

Durable Medical Equipment
Wondering about Durable Medical Equipment and what Medicare covers? Learn more about how Medicare may cover items such as wheelchairs, at-home hospital beds, and more.

Changes to Medicare Advantage Star Ratings and Prior Authorization Process
The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced changes to the Medicare Advantage program effective 2024. These changes include updates to the prior authorization process and the Medicare Advantage star ratings system.

Understanding the Medicare Part D Coverage Gap: What You Need to Know
The Medicare Part D "donut hole" represents a coverage gap in prescription drug costs. Beneficiaries pay more during this phase, but strategies like using generic drugs can help reduce its impact.

Introduction to Medicare: What You Need to Know
Medicare can be confusing. Here is a brief overview of Medicare for those who are just starting their journey.

Top 5 Costly Medicare Mistakes You Need to Avoid
Learn more about some of the most common mistakes on Medicare which can possibly lead to additional expenses for you.

The Advantages of good health insurance
Good health insurance provides peace of mind, financial savings, better access to care, and a safeguard for medical emergencies.
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