Medicare Plans in Mather
We help anyone in Mather and the surrounding communities who needs to understand how Medicare and supplemental plans work and how much it costs! This includes explanations of the “Parts” of Medicare, what they cover, cost, when and how to sign up, and what Medicare Supplement, Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plans, and Medicare Advantage Plans are available in Sacramento County.
Our local Medicare Health Insurance agents are here to help guide you through your options on Medicare while providing ongoing support for years to come - at no cost! Looking for information about your options on Medicare in Mather, CA, especially in 95321? Click the link below to start shopping your Medicare options with a free report!
California offers Medicare beneficiaries 10 Medicare Supplement (Medigap) plans with letter designations and two high-deductible options. With Mather being in Sacramento County, it falls within one of the most competitive rating regions for most major Medicare Supplement carriers. The most popular Medicare supplements being purchased are “Plan G” and “Plan N” Medicare Supplements in Mather and throughout Sacramento County. Read More About Plan G and Plan N.
Using a knowledgeable independent agency, like Summit, that brokers over 20 top Medicare Supplement plans, Medicare Advantage, and Part D Prescription Drug plans, will ensure that you are paying the lowest available rates from a top Medicare Supplement carrier and will “shop” your plans every year to make sure you continue to pay the lowest rates available. We are just off of Sunrise Ave.
Several major carriers like Blue Shield of CA, Anthem/Blue Cross, and Health Net offer “New-to-Medicare” discounts of up to $30 a month for the first year when you are new to Medicare, which typically means your Medicare “Part B” start date is within three months before and after the start point.
With the New-to-Medicare discount, you can expect to pay under $110 per month in Mather. The "Plan G” Medicare supplement is the most comprehensive Medigap plan since new Medicare beneficiaries can no longer purchase a “Plan F”.
In addition to the New-to-Medicare discounts available with some carriers, there are other available Medicare Supplement Rate Discounts. Many major carriers like United Healthcare (also known as AARP United Healthcare), Cigna, Blue Shield, Anthem/Blue Cross, Aetna, and Physician Mutual offer a “Household” or “Spousal” discount that ranges from 5% up to 12% (depending on the carrier)!
The Household/Spousal discounts may even apply if you’re not married but live with someone (a partner, relative, or friend). It may even apply if your spouse doesn’t have the same MediGap plan as you or doesn’t even have a Medicare Supplement Plan.
We can search medical providers in the Mather/Sacramento Area and tell you which plans your doctor accepts.
We can run detailed reports with your current and prospective prescriptions to estimate the cost of the prescription across all Part D Plans and even Medicare Advantage Plans.
We run these reports at different pharmacies, whichever pharmacy is most convenient and closest to you. This includes CVS, Rite Aid, Walmart and more! We can even compare the costs with Mail Order prices.
Most of our client inquire about how they can receive more savings by switching to a Medicare Advantage. We can compare prices between supplements and Medicare Advantage Plans (also called a Part C Plan) and their coverage to see which one would work best for you!
Medicare Coverage in Mather, CA
Our insurance agency is located in Gold River on Gold Express Drive by Bel Air, less than 5 miles from Mather. We are only minutes away from the Mather community.
We offer in-person appointments with the owner and licensed agent, Tim Coughlin. We can meet with you in our office, your home or at a local shop (Starbucks off White Rock Rd., Fusion Tea Bar off of Mather, or Carl’s Junior near Sunrise Ave). We also offer meetings via phone and video call.